The Nozzle Ninja's Take:Guardian Air (GA)/Low Drift Air (LDA)
The Guardian Air is a proven performer. An excellent combination of coverage and drift control. if you are looking for one nozzle that can do it all and provide consistent operation in a wide pressure window the Guardian Air or as some Deere people may call it the LDA Low drift Air is an outstanding choice. The Guardian Air is also an excellent choice to replace Air Bubble Jet Nozzles.
Put Air Induction to work for you. Less Fines, Better Target Adhesion, More Droplets per solution volume. Get your coverage and drift control without overcompensating with overly high water volumes.
The Guardian Air will produce a Coarse to Medium droplet and does its best work from 40-60 psi but maintains a consistent pattern from 25-80psi.
Plug resistant metering orifice and air orifices mean less time spent worrying about and changing plugged nozzles.
Available in a unique .035 size
One Nozzle to do it all? The Guardian Air is The ONE
Popular sizes for 20" Spacing and Self Propelled Speeds
FC-GA110-02 Yellow for 5gpa
FC-GA110-03 Blue for 7gpa
FC-GA110-04 Red for 10gpa
What Hypro has to say about the Guardian Air
The inclined spray pattern can be used to spray forward or backward or to alternate forward and back depending on application. The Hypro Guardian AIR spray nozzle has a unique rearward spray incline provides more uniform coverage. Higher flow nozzles used at faster speeds have a greater
spray incline.
- Air-induced sprays reduce drift while increasing droplet deposition and retention on foliage
- Provides better coverage with more drops per gallon or litre compared to other common air-induced spray nozzles
- Speed-optimized spray incline allows more uniform coverage
- Specifically engineered nozzle to maintain droplet spectrum regardless of orifice size
- FastCap includes nozzle, cap and gasket
Use the tools below to find the right nozzle size and type for your application
Online SPRAY IT Calculator
Guardian Air Nozzle Chart and Manufacturer Information
Order and Technical Information
Nozzle Ninja Air Induction Nozzle Performance Chart 2020
Call us 1-877-387-2636
Optimized for performance and high productivity, especially for application rates around 10 GPA
- Reduce drift and environmental impact while increasing droplet deposition and retention on the foliage with air-induced spray
- Provides better coverage with more drops per gallon compared to other common air-induced spray tips
- Speed-optimized incline allows more uniform coverage on the front and back of foliage for a wide range of speeds
- Delivers faster work rates with better drift reduction, allowing for more productive spraying days
- Boosts productivity with tip sizes for speeds from 3 to over 20 MPH, including the only size 035 tip of its kind with a 10-14 MPH sweet spot
- Each tip is clearly marked with an arrow indicating the direction of travel
- Available in sizes 015, 02, 025, 03, 035, 04, and 05 as a spray tip to fit standard caps (Hypro CAP00 series) or as a FastCap spray tip equipped with a cap and gasket for easy installation